As on-line agents falter - full service agents come to the fore

This week sees the announcement that Emoov, one of the longest standing on-line estate agents has also hit trouble. 

After raising millions of pounds in order to compete with larger on-line offerings; and also absorbing the other on-line agency Tepilo, founded by Sarah Beeny, Emoov found that it cannot generate enough property sales to support the cost of TV and pay per click advertising costs.  Nor can it afford to pay highly skilled agents who are needed when transactions become protracted or difficult to get over the line to completion.

It goes to show that Estate Agency is a people business, not simply a tech business or an on-line lisiting business.

Advertising a property on-line is quite straight forward; once one has done the necessary AML checks, description checks and used one's extensive local knowledge to describe what it is like to live somewhere.

Agency is something completely different.  It's about representing a client, understanding their needs and helping them to cope with the stresses of moving home.  Dealing with the shocks, surprises, and frustrations along the way. 

Transactions encounter many difficulties after the sale has been agreed; and can only move at the speed of the slowest person involved in the process.  That could be a conveyancer, a mortgage arranger, a buyer or even an administrator at a bak or bulding society.  Add to the mix that buyers and sellers are intollerent of others and one has a perfect cauldron of stress.

An experienced capable agent will help to reduce that stress, calm the nerves and find solutions that people can work with.  None of this can be achieved for £500 or £1,000.  In any event why risk your gretaest asset with an offering that provides little support or one that has little experience. 

At Belong, James White has almost 30 years of experience dealing with local property sales; ably supported by Katie Vickerman who has been in agency for 18 years.  We understand the stresses and strains of moving house, and how to hep people in times of anxiety.  If we can help you in your all important move, then please feel free to get in touch.